Color correction controls are now located in Tools, Options, Global, Color Management.
Pantone spot colors are displayed and printed to RGB devices using the standard sRGB values provided by Pantone Inc. When separating or otherwise outputting to CMYK devices, the CMYK values used are those provided standard from Pantone Inc.
Enable the Map Pantone Spot Colors into CMYK Gamut option in Tools, Options, Global, Color Management if you wish the Pantone spot colors to be treated the same a CMYK color model, as they were in previous versions.
CorelDRAW 8 defaults to PS Level 2, the default in past versions of CorelDRAW was Level 1. If PS errors are received when printing, ensure that CorelDRAW's PS level matches your printer's PS level.
When using lenses, transparencies, or drop shadows, the crispness of the output can be altered by changing the resolution that these items will be rendered at. This control is located in the special settings on the Miscellaneous tab of the Print dialog.
It is not recommended that Drop Shadows be used
with embedded objects in text.
sRGB vs. RGB in Corel DRAW and PHOTO-PAINT
sRGB is a new standard that was jointly developed by Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft. It standardizes an RGB palette, removing the need for color profiles or descriptions when printing or displaying graphics.
CorelDRAW8 and Corel PHOTO-PAINT8 deal with RGB colors differently then in Version 7. CorelDRAW has adopted the sRGB standard in defining RGB colors rather then using it's own RGB, as in previous versions. From a user's standpoint, there will be very little difference, visible as minor color differences when using RGB colors. Files created in previous versions of CorelDRAW or Corel PHOTO-PAINT will maintain their numeric RGB values in Version 8.